There is a white cat roaming outside my house day and night for the past few days. It is even tried to enter my house, no matter it crawl from the gate or climb from my kitchen's window. It stay outside my doorstep and miao-miao-miao whole night long. This is weird. My house doesn't have the fishy smell, neither rats! My family and I never treated it well every time we saw it, we chased it away in a rude way but the cat was really fierce to "roar" at us when it saw us. How come the cat still never leave the compound further than 15 feet?? I was thinking the reason why... 难道我家有宝咩?Or is it a 招财猫 that come bring wealth and prosperity to us in this new year?
Yesterday only I realized it's intention. It has put 4 little newly born kitten inside my shoe shelves. There is a box of socks at the lowest level of the shelves provides a warm place for the kittens. I din know when did the female cat got to know that place. I open the door to let off the smell out of the shelves once a while but I have made sure the shelves was closed tightly to avoid the cat got to sleep inside it and pee-pee inside. Now, only I knew that my action has separated the kittens and their mother apart. The kittens must be very hungry since I have locked them for few days without a piece of food nor a drop of water. Pity them... I feel sorry and guilty for that. I din mean to be cruel.
When I first get them out of my shoe shelves, they were very weak and not able to walk properly ( or may be they haven't learnt to). They were just like crawling to escape from me, as you can see their leg is still being drag on the floor, not able to stand straight and still.
This is my favourite kitten among four. It has stripes on it's head that make it looked unique and elegant. The other 3 are pure white, pure black and white with black patches. They are all born together and yet distinct in their outlooking.
These are the children next door came over and play with the kittens.
This is my little sister.
4 little kittens were sleeping tightly in the box...
The mother cat finally reunion with its 4 precious children and it is giving breast feeding for them.
At the very moment, I found that great martenal love is touching... My house really have the 宝 as for the cat to roam and stay around the compound. The 4 kittens are the 宝贝 for it. It must have been worried and anxious for losing its children.... If I were her, I would stand up and fight with the human。
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
花对心思, 浪漫才到位
情人节要来临了,想必有很多男生正在为心仪的女生准备玫瑰花,礼物,烛光晚餐等等。。。情人节收花,大概没有女人不爱的。就在,这时候我从报章上读到一则很有趣的报导: 男人虽然知道花对女人的重要性,但对于送花的方式和时机,却是蠢得很,经常犯错,以至于花了大笔钱送花,却落得被人讨厌的下场。送花,是有诀窍的。
秘诀1∶ 大红玫瑰不是谁都送得
还没追到手,还不了解对方心意的时候,千万不要送99 朵大红玫瑰。 最好是不要送花,免得弄巧反拙。有一些男人爱耍浪漫,自以为是把妹高手,总喜欢送上超大把玫瑰花,以为玫瑰花多就等于心意足。 女人虽然喜欢被送花,但却讨厌“苍蝇"送花。如果被归类为苍蝇,已经印象不好,那么,送花越大把,越正统(红玫瑰),越容易被讨厌。还在追求,恋情还没明朗时,最忌违送大红玫瑰。最好送颜色比较温柔,花朵不会很霸气刺眼,也不要太大把,会比较适合。但也不是什么女生都适合,最主要还是得看女生的个性。
秘诀2:姿态要低调 效果要高昂
如果和女方的关系已经进展到可以送花的地步,千万不要吝啬送花,也不要私底下默默的送给女生。送花,一定要送得刚刚好,让女生惊喜以外,还要顺便满足女人爱炫耀的竞争虚荣心。 打算送花之前,最好先向女伴探探口风,再根据女伴的说法安排最适合的花束。最好的送花方式,是事先安排好,请花店送到女方工作地点,且最好在上班时间,众目睽睽之下,让女方签收。让花店的人送花,自己只要写张祝福小卡片就够了。
秘诀3:满足虚荣心 替感情加温
花送得让女生欢心,而且还能自然的向同事炫耀,将其他同事比下去。最要紧的是,每次都要送不一样的花,千万不可重复。万一被女同事发现还指出来,那可就炫耀不成反丢大了脸,男人不可不慎。 共进晚餐也是送花良机,等气氛到最高潮的时候请服务生将花拿出来,交给女伴,肯定能引起在场其他客人羡慕赞叹的眼光。此时,花不但替感情加温,还满足了女人的虚荣心和优越感,这样送花,才能让女生感到最受用,贴心,幸福洋溢。
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